Give your Starters a Boost
Humika™ is one of the most recognized humic acid brands in the marketplace today. First launched in 2001, it continues to be one of the most trusted liquid humic acids used by growers in Canada and the U.S.
Primary applications are liquid starters and liquid nitrogen products. Through proprietary manufacturing technologies, Humika™ is the most soluble humic acid available.
Humika™ benefits include improvements in soil health, nutrient stability, nutrient efficiency, and increased yield.
Proven Performace
Stabilizes 28% UAN
Stimulates plant growth
Utilizes soil nutrients
Accelerates yield potential
Millions of acres applied in
Canada and the USA since
Developed in 2002 as a bio-stimulant in horticulture, the use and versatility of Plant XL™ quickly spread to the agricultural sector. Plant XL™ contains humic acid blended with soil microbes designed to rejuvenate tired and contaminated soils. Growers generally apply Plant XL™ in challenging or high saline soils where young plants have difficulty establishing roots. Plant XL™ is commonly applied with in-row liquid starter programs.
Proven Performace
Inoculation/reestablishment of beneficial microbes
Highly availably carbon source for roots
Highly soluble and drip irrigation compatible.
Multi year use provides better soil tilth in heavier soil types
Gro-Max XL
Many growers looking for the benefits of Humika™ required a granular version. We answered their needs with Gro-Max XL™
With all the benefits of Humika™, Gro-Maxx™ provides flexibility to growers who use humic acid to grow more profitable crops.
Proven Performace
Improved nutrient uptake in plants
Improved drought tolerance of treated crop
Proven return on investment
Improves nutrient solubility during early growing season
Creates large nutrient holding capacities in rhizophore